Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pepper Masala Dosa

Have you had it before?

Have you ever come across it in the tattered, soiled menus of your local shanti sagar?

My guess is you haven’t.

My guess it if you saw it, you would, like me, assume it was one more addition to the long list of glorious Indian malapropisms.

So it was with an indulgent smile that I pointed out this particular A1 item on the menu to the bored looking waiter as he explored the insides of his ear with his pinkie. “PAPER masala dosa, one.” I said, almost conspiratorially, half hoping he’d get the joke.

To my dismay, I was reminded peppercorn by accidentally-bitten peppercorn, never again to underestimate the orthographic ability of this prude nashun.

1 comment:

  1. haha...
    how many times do i hafta remind u that ur a loser..;P
